
The name “立博” was selected with the vision of an institution that exemplifies 社区大学里的“社区”. 几十年后,对这一愿景的承诺 比以往任何时候都强大. 立博积极倡导公平和社会正义 by employing educational strategies that build upon the strengths of our diverse socio-cultural 学生人数. 我们致力于开辟一条通往社会和经济的道路 mobility through our comprehensive range of programs, certificates, degrees, transfer 机会和职业前景.  




The Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District: A prestigious pair that have been 服务社区超过60年.  


学院的名字反映了该地区的历史和遗产. 根据 Dr. Stan Rodriguez, Kumeyaay研究协调员和Santa Ysabel Kumeyaay长老, Cuyamaca” is a word originating from the Kumeyaay language, meaning “Are you standing 雨云后面?这可能是指该学院的地理位置 在山脚下. 米格尔,圣地亚哥县的最高点之一. 圣地亚哥 is home to eighteen reservations, more than any other county in the country, twelve 保留区是属于库梅雅人的. Cuyamaca这个名字是对这片土地的致敬 upon which the campus is built, acknowledging and honoring the people which have lived 在这个地区生活了几千年.


The 立博 campus is located in the East 圣地亚哥 County community of Rancho 圣地亚哥, nestled in a suburb just outside the city of El Cajon on a verdant 165-acre 这里曾经是老蒙特维斯塔牧场的一部分. 


The campus site was acquired by the Board of Trustees in September 1972 and the college officially opened in fall 1978, with 1,947 students and nine associate-degree programs. 它的第一任主席是Dr. 华莱士F. 科恩. 


Today, Cuyamaca has just over 8,000 students, and provides around 192 degrees and 证书,包括学术和职业道路.



Thirty-eight students made up 立博’s first graduating class in May 1979. The early ‘80s saw the construction of facilities housing two flagship programs – 汽车技术和观赏园艺-和博士的命名. 撒母耳Ciccati 作为学院的第二任校长. 博士期间. Ciccati任期内,学院成立 今天被称为“大草坪”的地方.“草坪是第一个建立的绿地 并与加州自然保护队合作完成. 在 an “all hands day” faculty and staff brought tools and worked between classes and on breaks to clear the area in preparation for the Corps crew to dig trenches for 还有一家公司来灌溉和喷洒种子.


The following years marked the expansion in earnest of Rancho 圣地亚哥 and by fall 1988年,库亚马卡的入学人数达到了3600人. 在20世纪80年代末,校园 began nearly twenty years of expansion with the opening of the Learning Resource Center, a 30,000-square-foot, glass-covered building with distinctive architecture that houses 高校图书馆等教育资源.


Soon thereafter, in the 1990s, the privately-funded Heritage of the Americas Museum 开业了,还有一个新的20.3英亩的体育设施和健身中心, 体育馆,网球场和排球场,足球场和球场,以及奥林匹克跑道. In 1994, Rancho 圣地亚哥 Parkway opened as the new main entrance, providing better access 去校园. 


那一年,博士. 谢里尔·阿马多尔也开始了她的大学校长任期 helped to facilitate the Joint Powers Agreement between the college and area water districts to open the Water Conservation Garden on the campus – a must-visit for all 家庭园艺和景观美化爱好者. 也在博士名下. 阿莫多尔的任期是 opening a one-stop Student Services Center and the unveiling of the Child Development Center. 这个异想天开的设施既是校园的托儿设施 and community, and a learning laboratory for students in Cuyamaca’s Child Development 研究项目.


Dr. 杰拉尔丁米. 佩里也是在2002年接任校长一职的 当年东县居民批准了. R, 2.07亿美元的建筑债券 measure to finance upgrades and new building construction at the District’s two colleges. 在入学人数快速增长的时期,道具. R把校园变成了a high-tech learning magnet, bringing older facilities into the digital age and adding several new buildings: the Science and Technology Center (now the Science and Mathematics Building), the Student Center, the Business and Technology buildings, and a $45 million 传播艺术中心. 在那里,有一个设备齐全的表演艺术剧院 professional acoustical standards has become a major community asset as a high-demand 社区表演、集会和商业论坛的场所.


In 2006, the neighboring Kumeyaay Community College partnered with 立博 to provide Kumeyaay Studies language courses, eventually growing into an accredited 2016年Kumeyaay研究学位课程. 该项目是该州的第一个项目 a degree focused on language, culture, and 历史 of a specific Native American group.

道具. R在立博的主要建设于2011年结束 LRC的扩展. 那些年校园里的其他亮点包括音乐教师 Pat Setzer’s selection as one of four community college instructors statewide to win the 2010 Hayward Award for Excellence in Education, and in 2011, the appointment of Dr. Mark J. 扎科维奇被任命为大学校长. 


In November 2012, East County voters once again showed their support for the college 随着提案的通过. V是一项3.98亿美元的债券措施. 同样是在2012年,Cuyamaca College was one of three community colleges in the state to receive the inaugural Energy and Sustainability Award from the California Community College Board of Governors. 该学院因其可持续景观倡议而获得认可.


In 2013, the college was ranked among the nation’s “best of the best” veteran-friendly 学校排名.S. 退伍军人杂志. 这所学院是圣唯一的社区学院 Diego County to earn the distinction, and it secured its spot again in 2014 as a repeat 获得了梦寐以求的奖项.


2015年10月,Dr. 朱莉安娜·巴恩斯,她之前是库亚马卡学院的副校长 学生会主席,回国担任学生会主席. 在她的领导下, 学院改变了分班教学方法,并教授数学、英语和英语 非母语英语课程. Today, all students are placed in math and English based upon high school transcripts 和GPA,而不是分班考试. 库亚马卡学院是美国第一所社区学院 加州接受这种方法并支持教职员工的努力. 立博 获得了著名的博士学位. 约翰W. 水稻多样性和公平奖以及国家 recognition as the only California community college selected as a finalist for the 2019 优秀的例子 《立博》.


In January 2019, the college opened the premier water and wastewater training facilities 在加州. 该计划是与工业界和 会培养下一代的水务专业人员吗.


In March 2020, government mandated Covid-19 regulations were set into place and Cuyamaca College transformed all 指令 and operations online for the first time in its 历史. 利用创新和技术,学院继续支持学生 with counseling services, basic rights support including food and housing, and quality 指令.


2022年7月18日. 杰西卡·罗宾逊被任命为库亚马卡临时总统 自2018年以来,他一直担任学生服务副总裁. 少 than a year later, she would be named the college’s seventh president and the first 校友领导学院.


2022年,库亚马卡学院被《立博》评为“最佳退伍军人学院” 在支持学生在英语课程中取得成功方面所做的努力再次获得认可. As a Champion for Excelling in Equitable Course Placement in Campus-wide English Enrollment, 立博 provides every Latinx and Black student with access to and support 在转换水平英语. 立博将在2023年再次获得该奖项.


The new heart of campus, the Student Services Building (G-Building), officially opened 2023年2月9日开门. 这栋36374平方英尺的建筑是由V号提案资助的 作为通往校园的正门,设有欢迎中心,下车圈,庭院和 提供所有学生服务. 这座建筑从根本上改变了人们的生活方式 学生们立博校园活动.


立博 continues to serve diverse communities with personalized attention 以及对公平、卓越和社会正义的承诺. 昨天,今天和明天, 立博 remains unwavering in its mission to meet the comprehensive educational 以及东县劳动力培训需求.